Cantor Scott D. Simon

Born and raised in Chicago, our Cantor, Scott Simon is a graduate of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion School of Sacred Music (HUCJIR SSM), a member of the American Conference of Cantors (ACC) and the Cantor’s Assembly (CA) and a founding member of the Reform Cantors of Chicago (RCC).  Cantor Simon is proud to be enjoying his twenty third year dedicated to Temple Chai and is incredibly honored to work alongside its talented and passionate staff and leadership.  He enjoys the many spiritual and relational facets of his work including co-leading all religious services with his colleagues and actively shares his golden tenor voice and artistry performing a stunning array of Jewish concert programs each year. Our Cantor leads a variety of congregational choral and instrumental ensembles and performs with top Chiarea cantors and nationally recognizedaward winning artists in folk rock, operettamusical theater, Yiddish theater and jazzWith a fresh batch of catchy songs every year, our Cantor’s sound is the musical signature of Temple Chai. His songs teach, inspire and fill heartsMany of the students he has mentored have gone on to careers in the Cantorate, Rabbinate, Jewish Education, Communal Service and Music. Cantor Simon also enjoys leading meditation classes and on the lighter side, creating comic video content for young and old in which his zany wit and creativity bring warmth and smiles. With his wife Gail, a junior high school music teacher, choraldirector and Jewish educator, he loves making music for all, often alongside one or more of their talented children: Nadav 28, Haggai 25 and Lily 22.  Scott was recently awarded his honorary Doctoratefor his lifetime of dedication to the Jewish community and the values and standards of the HUC-JIR and SSM and to elevating and evolving the values and goals of the modern Cantorate here at Temple Chai and in the Chicago area.